

comparison of regular red blood cells, vs sickled red blood cells. This image demonstrates the main challenge associated with Sickle Cell Disease. The abnormal hemoglobin in the blood makes it more difficult for the red blood cells to properly circulate oxygen to vital organs. The clog up of sickled cells causes a pain crisis. Pain crisis present with debilitating pain


The Canadian Haemoglobinopathy Association (CanHaem) released a SCD consensus statement on the care of patients with Sickle Cell Disease in Canada. The first ever national guidance document made to improve patient experience and promote optimal comprehensive patient care for individual living with SCD


Next Webinar: The Cure and the Cost

The recording from this webinar will be released under our members-only section.

stay tuned…

This video shares why it's important for African Americans to give blood to help people with sickle cell disease stay healthy. Comments on this video are all...

5 healthy habits for living with Sickle Cell

June 19th (World Sickle Cell Day) was a virtual summit where people living with Sickle Cell shared their stories.